Change the date & time attributes for absolutely any file type, including folders.
Super easy to use.
No install required, fully portable and can run from a USB.
Completely free for everyone.
Version 1.0 now available.
Drag any file into Datenamic.
Supports absolutely all file types, including folders.
Apply Changes
Click the button to apply the new date and time.
Super-fast results.
Date & Time options
Type in a date, or select from the dropdown calendar.
Type in a time, or use the up and down arrows.
Advanced Controls
Control individual attributes.
Specify different dates and times for the Created, Modified and Accessed properties.
File Properties
View the file properties for the updated date & time.
The date can be set to the past, or in the future.
Windows Explorer
The date & time can also be viewed in windows explorer.
Designed for Windows 10.
Requires 3.0 MB RAM.
Download size 338 Kb
Change log
Official release